How to Write a Literature Review


A Literature Review is an objective, concise, critical summary of published research literature relevant to a topic being researched in an article.

The two most common types of literature reviews found in journals are those introducing research articles (studies and surveys) and stand-alone literature analyses. They differ in their scope, length, and specific purpose.

This video provides a detailed explanation of what do include, what not to include, how to structure, and how to compose a literature review from start to finish.

And when you have finished writing your literature review, make sure to receive academic editing and proofreading from a reputable editing service:

Related YouTube videos:

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Wordvice Resources Page

"Useful Phrases for Academic Writing"

"Common Transition Terms in Academic Paper"

"Active and Passive Voice in Research Papers"

"100+ Verbs That Will Make Your Research Writing Amazing"

"Tips for Paraphrasing in Research Papers"

External Resources
University of Minnesota. "Guidelines for Writing a Literature Review." (

The UNC Writing Center. "Literature Reviews." (

Academic Writing Writing Skills
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